Tender For provn of exhaust fan, kitchen chimney, ceiling fan, kitchen wall mounted fan and water geyser in certain offrs/jcos/or md accn and other miscellaneous sanctioned work under age e/m of ge (south) delhi cantt-10
Tender For renovation and upgradation of ors sos toilet at gs road campus and improvement of sewerage system water supply drainage in both campuses under hq spl dg (ec) bsf kolkata ( sh providing of kitchen chimney with gas pipe line )
Tender For supply of pair of ss (stainless steel) cassette filter for electric kitchen chimney of faber make, model n o.cf 601ss or equivalent of kaff/glen/cata make as per spec-edts-118 rev-e suitable for electric chimn ey of lhb ac pantry car. (equivalent should be similar in shape, size, dimension) each pair contains 02 nos . and to be supplied with oem or authorized dealer proof of purchase certificate. [ warranty period: 30 m onths after the date of delivery ]